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services_ftp [2013/11/26 08:40]
services_ftp [2015/01/14 08:32] (current)
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 | **Port** | By default, FTP uses port **21** but if this port is already in use by another service or it is blocked on your network, you can change it to any other port from 1 to 65535. | | **Port** | By default, FTP uses port **21** but if this port is already in use by another service or it is blocked on your network, you can change it to any other port from 1 to 65535. |
 | **Passive Port Range** | By default, the passive port range is set to **0** and when FTP is used on the home network, this setting can be left at default. To help with port forwarding for remote FTP access, set a range of about 50-100 ports (it's best to choose ports >​=50000). On your network router, make sure to forward the same range of ports. | | **Passive Port Range** | By default, the passive port range is set to **0** and when FTP is used on the home network, this setting can be left at default. To help with port forwarding for remote FTP access, set a range of about 50-100 ports (it's best to choose ports >​=50000). On your network router, make sure to forward the same range of ports. |
 +| **Public Folder** | Enable this option to restrict access to the public folder to anonymous users only. When enabled, regular FTP users can only see their own private folders. If the anonymous user is disabled and the public folder is enabled only for anonymous users, no FTP users will be able to see or access the public folder. |
 | **Apply** | Click **Apply** to save the changes. | | **Apply** | Click **Apply** to save the changes. |
 <note tip>For more information about to how to access your files with an FTP client, see \\ [[fm_ftp_pc|File Management > FTP for PC users]] \\ [[fm_ftp_mac|File Management > FTP for Mac users]]</​note>​ <note tip>For more information about to how to access your files with an FTP client, see \\ [[fm_ftp_pc|File Management > FTP for PC users]] \\ [[fm_ftp_mac|File Management > FTP for Mac users]]</​note>​


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