This is an old revision of the document!


Version 20121220

  • Fixed: The background process for photo thumbnails frequently accesses the logs, preventing the HDD from spinning down.

Version 20121206

  • Added: Display the connection status to the web portal (Preferences » Portal Server »
  • Added: New NFS option “insecure” for better compatibility with Mac OS.
  • Added: Show the original path of the deleted file in the Recycle Bin when viewing its Properties.
  • Added: Shortcut to the “Applications” folder on the desktop.
  • Added: Dutch (Nederlands) language support.
  • Added: Drag & drop support for folders and directories when using Chrome.
  • Changed: Default upload method changed to HTML5 in all browsers except IE.
  • Changed: When viewing a photo in the image viewer that is larger than the current window size, it now automatically re-sizes the image to fit the window.
  • Changed: Layout and functionality for firmware update (Preferences » Firmware).
  • Changed: When using Samba, access to the “Download” and “Devices” directories is now restricted to the “admin” account.
  • Changed: When using AFP, access to the “Download” and “Devices” directories is now restricted to the “admin”.
  • Changed: When using FTP, access to the “Download” directory is now restricted to the “admin”.
  • Changed: When using FTP, all users now have access to the “Public” directory.
  • Changed: Added drop-down menu for disk standby time (Preferences » Power Management).
  • Changed: Minor modification to system menu “Quit” (original menu: Close/Logout/Cancel, new menu: Shut Down/Logout/Cancel).
  • Changed: Removed the note about downloading Google Gears in the selection window for upload methods.
  • Changed: Removed “iBackup” service (Preferences » iBackup).
  • Changed: Thumbnails are now created in the background to reduce the loading of the system.
  • Changed: The static “Dock” has been replaced with a flexible “Toolbar” that floats on top of all the windows.
  • Changed: Japanese translation (original: 「ツールばーを隠す/表示する」, new: 「ツールバーを隠す/表示する」)
  • Changed: Updated Korean translation.
  • Fixed: Unable to create new folder by clicking on “New Folder” when selecting a directory.
  • Fixed: The settings for the download service still show the old value after applying the changes (Preferences » Downloader).
  • Fixed: Existing RAID array that was created by another MyCloud device is not recognized.
  • Fixed: When using the firmware version 20120814, rebuilding the RAID array fails.
  • Fixed: When viewing Email messages in MS Outlook that contain languages other than English, the encoding is incorrect.
  • Fixed: Unable to select the correct file in list view when using IE if the number of files exceeds one page.

Version 20120814

  • Remove the error message for “Fail to write rtc time”.
  • Set the nfs service to disabled as default.
  • Bug fixed: After resetting, FTP security connection will get error message for wrong password.
  • Allow '-' character in WORKGROUP setting.
  • Upgrade mldonkey to ver 3.1.2-1.
  • The system will auto detect raid mode; Remove the raid detect button.
  • Bug fixed: If swap partition is already mounted, auto mode will fail to build the raid.
  • Add “Restore Dock” button for restoring Dock.
  • Bug fixed: It sometimes takes a long time to open the Public folder.
  • Bug fixed: usb copy button not work.

Version 20120608 (for beta-testing on MyCloud mini only)

  • Remove icons from the tool menu: “Show Windows”, “Dock”, “Quit”
  • New icons to the tool menu: “Show Desktop” and “Disk Info”
  • Customized configuration options to the desktop icons (text size, icon size, grid)
  • Recycle bin will show full/empty status
  • Add “fill” and “fit” options to the background photo
  • Customizaed configuration options to MyCloud icon view (text size, icon size, grid)
  • Show HDD capacity information in the MyCloud View.
  • New Feature: batch rename
  • New Feature: Allow drag and drop to move files/folders to another folder
  • Bug fixed: Remove publish information when the file/folder is removed
  • Add “Detect RAID” button in the Disk Manager
  • Do not allow USB disk to be part of the RAID
  • Bug fixed: create default folders after Auto Disk Management
  • Bug fixed: Do not allow partition in the advanced mode
  • Bug fixed: keep column settings and sorting options after refresh screen
  • Add “Remote Assistance” preference setting to enable/disable telnet service
  • Bug fixed: Do not allow using port 80 for FTP
  • Bug fixed: correct wrong title in iBackup
  • Add Privacy policy in the login page (For Akitio version only)
  • Akitio units use a seperate proxy server (For Akitio version only)
  • Combine Registration/DDNS/UPnP setting intor Portal Server settings. Add manual settings for port forwarding (For Akitio version only)
  • New Application: Text Editor
  • Remove texts in the “About” window
  • Fixed Japanese translation: へのバックアップ changed バックアップ先.
  • Do not allow writing to the mount devices under /media to avoid unexpected writing to the NAND flash
  • Move database of mt-daap to /home/.nas.
  • Move spool of samba and cups to /home/.nas
  • Increase the DHCP lease time to 1 day. Remove the AutoIP.
  • Increase timeout period of sockproxy to 5 seconds
  • Automatically create Documents/Videos/Music/Photos folders when adding a new user
  • Add PID=12a0 for iPad charger
  • Bug fixed: fix the issue that filezilla cannot use SSL FTP
  • Know Issue: iBackup does not work with iDevice with iOS 5.1.1

Version 20120118

  • Allow users to customize the Dock at the GUI webtop, including: (1) Add new icons from Applications; (2) Delete unwanted icons; (3) Change the icon pictures; (4) Rearrange orders of icons; (5) Restore default dock.
  • Allow users to customize the GUI webtop, including: (1) Add new icons from Applications; (2) Delete icons from webtop; (3) Add shortcut to link to MyCloud folders; (4) Change the icon pictures; (5) Rearrage the icons; (6)Restore default webtop.
  • Add “Application” function to the system menu (top left corner)
  • Change the name “My Server” to “MyCloud”
  • Change the tablelist window in MyCloud. Support sorting, drag-and-drop and hidden menu.
  • Use the exact file name in webdav.
  • Show HDD capacity information (total, used, available) at the bottom left corner of MyCloud window.
  • The system will check duplicated file names when user uploading new files, copy/pasting files, or creating a new folder. When duplicated names would happen, there will be a popup warning message with the option of overwrite or cancel action.
  • In MyCloud → Download folder, only show the folders of incoming and torrents but hide all the rest of files.
  • Remove JFS from DiskManager
  • Allow setting multiple items to DLNA scanning path.
  • Use UTF-8 encoding format (changed from UTF-16) in Addressbook export/import files.
  • Improve Flicker API key.
  • Re-define the “SHARE” function to include “Group” and “Publish”. Improve the feature of “Publish” to be more user-friendly, such as moving several steps to the advanced setting.
  • Fix the bug that iBackup would copy contents to the nandflash when HDD does not exist.
  • Fix the bug that FTP users can visit system folders
  • Fix the bug that user cannot set the time from UI.
  • If the user does not have contents in his/her YouTube account, login to the YouTube from iSharing would show a blank page. This bug is fixed.

Version 20111122

  • Change the mechanism in DynDNS. Now the system updates the IP to DynDNS only when the WAN IP is changed.
  • Fix the bug in write access attribute in /dav/device/home. The bug caused the admin users not able to remove some folders in webGUI.
  • Show kernel version in Server Info
  • The system logs were temporarily stored in the DRAM. They will be saved to the NAND flash (under /var/log) every hour.
  • The system will not automatically mount the USB disks to HOME.
  • Update the library libimobiledevice in order to support mounting the iOS5 device.
  • When there is no playlist in the Media Player, the icon “Add new item” should not appear. This bug is fixed.
  • In IE8, when users changed the Dock settings, the values were not properly stored and retrieved. This bug is fixed.
  • In Social Network –> Facebook, the username and icon was not cleared after logout. This bug is fixed.
  • The flash plug-in did not start to play the media files automatically. This bug is fixed.
  • Fixed German translations in Disk Manager; remove Dutch XML files.
  • After deleting an account, the associated folders are moved to the recycle bin.
  • For the purpose of authentication, the web address to the Social Networks (Flickr, Facebook, and YouTube) is now changed to
  • Check and avoid duplicate file names when creating the Address book, and when creating ZIP files.
  • Disallow changing the upload options when the uploading is being processed.
  • When no HDD is mounted as HOME directory, hide the folders Home, Download, Public, and Share in the GUI, and only show the folder Device.
  • The FW will only play the flv, mp3, and swf files. All the other file formats are passed to the browsers instead of handled by the FW.
  • Add “Seeded” and “Downloaded” buttons in Downloaders.
  • Add udev rules to support USB mount/unmount LED (for particular HW only)

Version 20111020

  • Some HDDs may not go into the sleep mode by itself. We changed the mechanism to use the system FW (instead of relying on HDDs) to do count down and ask the HDD to sleep when there was no access. The count down time can be configured by users.
  • Fix an issue associated with GMAIL SMTP.
  • Reduce the write access to the internal Flash ROM by storing the system log (/var/log) in temfs in DRAM.
  • Add more VID in ipad_charge to ensure all iPad/iPad2 can be charged.
  • Periodically sync system time with NTP time server.
  • The registration status was not shown correctly. This bug is fixed.
  • Do not show username/password in DynDNS setting.
  • Add a broadcast packet to enable UPnP service in some router models (e.g., IO-Data)
  • Fix the issue that the device cannot get the DHCP IP, particularly in the 10/100 network environment.
  • Fix the bug that no error message appeared when RAID removal failed.
  • Fix the bug in partition HDD regarding to “Invalid Geometry”.
  • Dynamically adjusting the re-connecting time with the proxy server between 5 seconds to 1 minute.
  • Change the default EMAIL sender to become
  • Change icons in Samba/AFP/iTunes preference settings to avoid known trademarks. Change iDisk to iBackup.
  • Change desktop background size to 1920×1200
  • Remove the information of UPnP IP and MAC address in the login page to protect privacy.
  • Add logout button in YouTube.

Version 20110914

  • In the 2-bay model, creating the RAID may fail when the HDDs had been used previously. This bug is fixed.

Version 20110909

  • Support global server implementation ( and
  • Revise the login page to include server information and password reminder
  • In the “My Server” menu, add a button to rebuild thumbnail
  • Display Device label under “My Server –> Device”
  • Remove SMS menu (because it is only for Taiwan mobile phone)
  • In Preference –> Registration, use the portal address to replace the URL of device.
  • Add “Test” function (ping and traceroute) under PreferenceNetwork
  • Add UPnP configuration in Preference
  • Increase EMAIL field to 2 entries in AddressBook
  • Add Import/Export GMAIL CVS function in AddressBook
  • In Upload menu, allow users to change upload options (Form/Google Gears/HTML5)
  • Disk Manager: add auto/advanced/expert modes
  • Disk Manger: Allow to use and display the percentage of partition
  • Publish: remove third party (Gygia) icons
  • Social Network: add logout button
  • Update netatalk version to 2.2, in order to support AFP 3.3
  • Support charging iPad via USB port
  • (2-bay model only) add fan control
  • GUI language update for Japanese/German/Traditional Chinese
  • Improve UPnP tunneling mechanism
  • The folder cannot be opened after users changing its name. This bug is fixed.
  • When the unit is set to static IP, some network services kept restarting. This bug is fixed.
  • The default EMAIL configuration uses port 25
  • Stop openvpn client. Use Socket proxy.
  • Reload avahi in the DHCP client mode to ensure the device can be seen by the IP finder.
  • Use dd to clean HDD headers before proceeding the partition.
  • Change text fonts in webtop GUI, so the texts can be seen above the white background.

Version 20110624

  • Add: Customized Dock. Default value is hidden.
  • Changed: Extend the valid period of SSL in FTPS to 27 years.
  • Fixed: change web CGI to fix the issue that cannot download big file in VPN mode
  • Add: system can mount iPhone/iPad, and can auto back up contents to NAS
  • Fixed: In some cases the web GUI cannot show up during boot-up. This version auto recovers the web GUI.
  • Add: autoIP (to comply with UPnP)
  • Add: UPnP port tunneling
  • Fixed: support to IE9
  • Add: Support to HTML5 file upload
  • Add: nph-proxy browser
  • Add: SMS function
  • Add: Sharing management
  • Add: rotate photos in image view
  • Add: support YouTube
  • Add: able to publish folder as well as files
  • Add: back up system configuration in preference
  • Add: support AFP (for MacOS Time Machine)
  • Add: support DDNS ( only)
  • Changed: System apperence stores in home configuration instead of cookies
  • Add: support to FTP in addition to FTPS
  • Add: security key for VPN registration
  • Changed: allow user's configuration for Downloader in Preference
  • Add: user can selece HTML5 or Google Gears to upload files by drag-adn-drop
  • Fixed: Does not stop MLDonkey service when HDD goes to spin down mode.
  • Add: limit VPN bandwidth to 57344Bytes
  • Fixed: during FW update some files remained in the tmp area. It is clean now.
  • Fixed: LAN hot-plug could not get DHCP IP. It is fixed.
  • Fixed: 2x 3TB HDDs could not make RAID-1. It is fixed.
  • Fixed: TR-069 failed to report status to server. It is fixed.

Version 20110325

  • Fixed: Limit syslog file size to prevent nandflash from being full.
  • Fixed: Improve updating process, return the message for firmware crash error, firmware dependence error and other errors( such as no more space for updating…etc )
  • Changed: Config file refresh rule. Use O_SYN and fsync to ensure it is written to disk.
  • Add: GPT partition table support for over 2TB partition.
  • Add: Reset button function, reset the administrator password and DHCP setting.

Version 20110303

  • Fixed: Display issue on 'Recycle bin' icon.
  • Fixed: Incorrect file creation time and modification time shown in 'My Server'.
  • Fixed: Recover file from 'Recycle bin' doesn't work with context menu command.
  • Fixed: Upload progress bar go backwards.
  • Fixed: Users need to re-mount SWAP partition manually after rebooting the device.
  • Fixed: System led keeps solid orange after firmware is updated.
  • Fixed: Disk formatting issue with EXT2/3 filesystem.
  • Fixed: Cannot set a photo as album background.
  • Fixed: Prevent administrator account from being deleted.
  • Changed: Set system spindown-check interval to 30mins.
  • Changed: Change the way of agent reporting while updating firmware manually.
  • Changed: Change the disk capacity unit to MB.
  • Changed: Rebuilding progress bar show on behind the disk raid name. (need to refresh manually)
  • Changed: Change the copyright announce to 2009-2011.
  • Add: USB unmount icon.
  • Add: Raid rebuild function.
  • Add: 'Eject' function and it's icon.

Version 20110214

  • Changed: Use XFS as default filesystem with DiskWizard.
  • Changed: Auto mount to home: If there's no disk is mounted to home folder, it will auto mount to home when you plug a external disk.
  • Changed: Enable all service such as SAMBA/NFS/FTPS/DLNA/iTunes/Download after home is mounted.
  • Changed: Spin down function
    1. Apply UI setting to HDD.
    2. If HDD does not run spin down, system will check it every 5 minutes.
    3. If HDD does not support spin down, it will return system message.
  • Fixed: UI relative bugs
    1. Desktop: Cannot display desktop icon after refresh the screen in IE.
    2. Album: Incorrect context menu displayed.
    3. Album Show: Incorrect URL link.
    4. Zip: Cannot show zip-file created by 'Add to zip' in IE
    5. Preferences: Add refresh button to SAMBA/FTPS/DLNA/iTunes/Download/NetWork/ setting page.


AKiTiO MyCloud eManual
for iPad, Nook, Sony Reader, etc.

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