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system_accounts [2012/10/26 10:40] external edit
system_accounts [2015/01/14 07:33] (current)
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 | **Password** | The password of the user account. Any letters or symbols on the keyboard can be used. | | **Password** | The password of the user account. Any letters or symbols on the keyboard can be used. |
 | **Confirm** | Enter the same password a second time to confirm it. | | **Confirm** | Enter the same password a second time to confirm it. |
 +| **Quota** | Enter a value in kb to set a limit for the storage space that can be used or leave it at 0 for unlimited storage. Note: This option is only available for the MyCloud Pro. |
 | **New** | Create a new user account. | | **New** | Create a new user account. |
 | **Delete** | Delete the selected user account. | | **Delete** | Delete the selected user account. |


AKiTiO MyCloud eManual
for iPad, Nook, Sony Reader, etc.

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