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zh-tw:applications_my_videos [2013/03/11 03:36]
Coco 建立
zh-tw:applications_my_videos [2013/03/11 03:46] (current)
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-====== ​My Videos ​====== +====== ​我的影片 ​====== 
-The **My Videos** link in the Applications folder is a shortcut that opens the **Videos** folder in the file explorer. This is where the private video files of the currently logged in user are stored. ​+**我的影片**是在瀏覽器中打開影片目錄的快捷功能。
-For more details about the file explorer, see [[applications_my_cloud|Applications > My Cloud]]. 


AKiTiO MyCloud eManual
for iPad, Nook, Sony Reader, etc.

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