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zh-tw:desktop_shortcuts [2013/06/11 06:43]
Coco [Add New Shortcut]
zh-tw:desktop_shortcuts [2013/06/11 07:19] (current)
Coco [Change Appearance]
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 {{zh-tw:​tw_add_new_shortcut.jpg?​nolink}} {{zh-tw:​tw_add_new_shortcut.jpg?​nolink}}
-==== Delete Shortcut ​==== +==== 刪除桌面捷徑 ​==== 
-To delete a shortcut, there are two options.+刪除桌面捷徑有下列兩種方式: 
 +  * 在小圖示上按下滑鼠右鍵,選擇刪除。 
 +  * 將小圖示直接拖放至「回收站」小圖示上。\\ {{zh-tw:​tw_delete_shortcut.jpg?​nolink}} 
 +==== 桌面圖示 ==== 
-  * Right-click on the shortcut and select **Delete** from the context menu. +=== 排列桌面圖示 ​=== 
-  * Drag and drop the shortcut in the recycle bin, then select **OK** in the pop-up windows to delete it.\\ \\ {{:​shortcuts-delete01.png?​nolink}} {{:​shortcuts-delete02.png?​nolink}} +  - 在桌面上按下滑鼠右鍵選擇「排列桌面圖示」。(圖示會從左上角開始對齊排列) 
- +  - 點選小圖示,按下滑鼠右鍵選擇「排列桌面圖示」。(圖示會從左上角開始對齊排列)
-==== Arrange Icons ==== +
-To re-arrange the the icons, simply drag them to your preferred location on the desktop. +
- +
-=== Sort Desktop Icons === +
-  - Right-click on a shortcut or any place on the desktop to open the context menu. +
-  - Select **Sort Desktop Icons** and it will re-arrange all icons starting from the top left corner.+
-=== Restore Desktop Icons === +=== 還原桌面圖示 ​=== 
-  - Right-click on a shortcut or any place on the desktop to open the context menu. +  - 在桌面上按下滑鼠右鍵選擇「還原桌面圖示」。 
-  - Select **Restore Desktop Icons** and it will restore the shortcuts back to default.+  - 點選小圖示,按下滑鼠右鍵選擇「還原桌面圖示」。 
 +==== 更改外觀 ==== 
-==== Change Appearance ==== +=== 變更圖示 ​=== 
-=== Change Icon === +  - 在要更換的桌面捷徑上點選滑鼠右鍵,選擇「**變更圖示**」。 
-  - Right-click on the shortcut and select ​**Change Icon** from the context menu. +  - 點選「**更改**」,選擇要更換的圖檔。 
-  - Click **Change** and select your custom image. +  - 點選「**關閉**」完成更換。要恢復原來的圖示,請點選「**預設圖示**」。 ​\\ {{zh-tw:tw_change_icon.jpg?​nolink}}
-  - To revert back to the original shortcut icon, click **Default**, otherwise click **Close** to close the window.\\ ​\\ {{:shortcuts-changeicon01.jpg?​nolink}} {{:shortcuts-changeicon02.jpg?​nolink}}+
-=== Display Option ​=== +=== 顯示選項 ​=== 
-  - Right-click on a shortcut or any place on the desktop to open the context menu. +  - 在桌面上任意地方點選滑鼠右鍵。 
-  - Select ​**Display Option**. +  - 選擇「**變更圖示**」。 
-  - Adjust the sliders to change the size of the icons and the text. +  - 您可以調整圖示的大小、間距、字體大小。 
-  - To revert back to the the factory default setting, click **Reset**.\\ \\ {{:shortcuts-displayoption.png?nolink}}+  - 點選「**關閉**」完成變更。要恢復原來的設定,請點選「**系統預設**」。 ​\\ {{zh-tw:​tw_settings_icon.jpg?nolink}}


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